Game Mechanics:
The game derives some of its mechanics from basic 2D platformers, but it has its own features to distinct from other games. The basic mechanics are jumping through different platforms and levels. Your character also dies if it drops down unto to the void or get enough hits from different hazards such as traps, spikes and enemies.
What we designed as characteristic feature is the ability to switch between day and night through the use of wizards staff. Some blocks and enemies only exist while day and other enemies and blocks exist during the night. Through the usage of staff and it's abilities the player can move through platforms and levels. Without using this ability, the player cant progress.
Other ability of the staff is forming the energies of day and night into different energy bolts. During the day shot bolts are do damaging fire damage and during the night slowing cold damage. Just to make things interesting, some of the enemies are immortals, and cant be harmed by any means. These, however, are rare occurrences.
Our wizard has also a levitation ability. At the max jump height the player can levitate a short duration of time to avoid some traps and enemies.
There is also a catch how the game is won. The moon must turn into a BANANA. How this is achieved then? By throwing a thousand bananas at enemies. There is a con to this however. Whenever an enemy is hit by a banana, the enemy enrages and is enhanced with power. Throw enough bananas even at a chicken, and you have a mad chicken destroyer up against you. The more you throw bananas at the enemy, the more damage players fire bolt does.
Player controls:
The player can shoot energy bolts with a staff to the direction of the mouse position on screen.
Movement happens with basic WASD - controls, W and A are for moving up and down on possible ladders, while S and D guarantee horizontal movement.
Space bar is used for jumping with the character. If space button is being pushed down after the jump, the player starts a short duration levitation.
Esc-button pauses the game and opens the in-game menu.
User Interface:
Main menu has six different buttons. We have "Continue" button, "Start" button, "Options", "Shop", "Credits" and "Exit" buttons. The game automatically saves after each level, so there is no in-game save mechanics. There is five different slots a player can choose to save his progress after each level. "Continue" button does what it says. It continues from there where you left your progress. "Start" button starts the game from beginning, or from a level the player chooses. "Options" allows the player to rebind keys and change graphical, gameplay and sound settings. "Shop" brings up some microtransactions, where you can buy new skins and bosses. "Credits" shows the creators of the game, and "Exit" terminates the program.
In-game there are only a few given information bars to show player progress. There is a level bar that shows your current level. There is also "bananas thrown" bar that shows how many bananas the player has thrown. On the upper right corner of the screen is a timer, which shows the elapsed time of that level.