23 Apr 2015


We were required to make a GDD (game design document) out of some ideas we had to come up with. So here.

3D scifi-platformer

The game is a 3D platformer in a scifi environment. The idea of the game is that the main character has many different kinds of skills and abilities which he has to use to complete the levels of the game. Levels are fairly large and open world –like. You collect these relics within each level, and after you have collected enough (3 – 10, depending on level), a portal leading to the next level activates. When you have completed a level, you will see a “level clear –screen” which shows you:
  • time used
  • score
  • deaths
  • leaderboard (global ranking)

Here are some of the abilities available to our hero:
  • double jump
  • jetpack
  • speed thrusters
  • inverted jump
  • gravity inversion

You can play levels in any order you want to.
The level select is an open area where you move your character towards a city where you want to go in, and once you are inside a city, you can start moving towards a level you want to play. This will make the player want to test at least few levels and get hooked to testing the abilities and different kinds of game mechanics. After they are hooked, they will try to get the best possible times in each of the levels and get to high ranks in the leaderboard.

There is no tutorial level, but the player himself/herself will be required to figure out how to use the abilities and how they work with them to complete the levels.

The whole game is filled with puzzle platforming and kill zones, so that the player has to think ahead before acting.

There will be DLC in form of new level packs and cosmetics.


The timeline of the story is in the far unknown future full of the remains of ancient cultures, and it follows one of these ancient cultures on a distant planet.

The hero himself is a futuristic bounty hunter who is after the relics and treasure left behind by the once powerful, but now disintegrated ancient culture.

The reason why our bounty hunter came on this particular planet, is that he was the first one to hear a distress beacon and he saw an opportunity to get paid big time.

When he was on his way to the distress beacon, something went wrong. His ship was having a malfunction and our hero was forced to make a fast landing on the nearest planet.

After the crash landing our hero started to explore this weird uncharted planet. After awhile of wandering around, he found a beautiful place with floating cities and gravity defying stairways going as far as the eye can see.
Our hero saw cities ripe for plundering.


Our anti-heros personality is highly narsistic. He is willing to sacrifice innocent people for money and personal gain.


He was born on the post-apocalyptic planet Earth. His parents died in their own house when a hitman came in and slaughtered them. Fortunately for our ”hero”, he wasn’t there when the hitman came in.
When he was still young, he was adopted by one of the criminal gangs in the area.
Years went by, and our heros mind started to work differently than before. He slowly became more twisted and hostile than before. Then one day, he snapped. He killed everyone who tried to stand against him and his personal goals. Money, power, fame… He wanted everything for himself.
Resources began to run dry on Earth, so he decided that he has to leave the planet to find something more valuable and fulfilling than power to control a few petty gang members.

He decided to travel to different galaxies and find something to fill the void inside him

Development tools

  • Unreal engine 4
  • Photoshop
  • 3DS max
  • Audacity
  • Fruityloops
  • Zbrush


Loading splashscreen
Company logo
Main menu
  • New game
  • Continue
  • Load game
  • Options
  • Quit
  • Credits
  • Gameplay
  • Graphics
  • Audio
  • Input
  • Back
  • Back
  • Score
  • Time
  • Deaths
  • Number of relics you currently have
Game over
  • Retry
  • Quit
  • Ingame stats
Pause menu
  • Continue
  • Options
  • Quit

We have a level editor where a player can make own custom levels and share them with other players inside the game. They can also download and play the levels made by other players and compete in them in terms of score and speed.

We also support plugins made by community members. This gives the community a chance to help themselves to grow and continue to play the game even when it gets older overtime.
Possible community made plugins (examples):
  • Speed race
  • Point race

Leader boards

Character development

Player can unlock abilities as he’s/she’s playing throughout the game.
These abilities will also alter the playable character visually.

Objects and development

  • player can pick these up to get forward in the game

Launch pads
  • launches player into the air

Falling platforms
  • when player stands on the platform it starts to slowly crumble


PC – windows 7, windows 8, windows 8.1, Linux
Xbox One, Playstation 4, Xbox 360, Playstation 3

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